It’s just an emblem, a pin, and a dream. But it’s ours, and we intend to run it into the ground like any other movement, with a series of schisms, betrayals, false accusations, personality conflicts, poor communication, co-optation by more powerful “allies”, selling out, and ultimate abandonment of our ideals.
Lapel Pins!

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- Sex is immutable (in mammals, inc. humans)
- Clothes and personalities are not
- Men can wear dresses
- Women can be ‘masculine’
- Go on with your weird self
- Transwomen are men
- Keep men out of women’s spaces and resources
- Transmen are our sisters
“Lighten up, trannies, this used to be fun.” —Miranda Fucking Yardley
“Yup, transwomen are men – and some of them are my friends.” —Nina Paley