Episode 146: Science Fiction with Jon Del Arroz

Science Fiction author and journalist Jon Del Arroz was canceled before being canceled was cool (2016) and sued WorldCon for banning him in 2018. He discusses author communities, latinx armor, being both marginalized and having white privilege, crowdfunding for comics, Trump Derangement Syndrome, the twist of no twist, small presses, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Neil Gaiman, John Scalzi, the noncompliant majority, the swing of the political pendulum, alien pronouns, Revelation, bringing God’s kingdom on earth, Christian nationalism, and abortion vans. Cori reminisces about when science fiction was more libertarian, and Nina asks: what about the weirdos?


Jon’s website: https://delarroz.com/

Jon’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jondelarroz

Jon on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B01NBOZVCP

Jon on Twitter: https://x.com/jondelarroz

Agents of H.A.G.: https://store.ninapaley.com/product/agents-of-h-a-g-comic-book/

Compliance Comix: https://store.ninapaley.com/product/compliance-comix/

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association: https://www.sfwa.org/

Marion Zimmer Bradley: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley

Wikipedia article on the Sad Puppies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sad_Puppies

Hugo Award nominees (best novel) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Award_for_Best_Novel

John Scalzi: https://whatever.scalzi.com/2013/07/16/and-now-here-i-am-in-a-regency-dress/

Nina’s outdated bio (2005): https://ninapaley.com/bio.html

One thought on “Episode 146: Science Fiction with Jon Del Arroz

  1. There is no such thing as being “cancelled”, unless you are a television show or similar. At any given moment, some humans will like and support one’s views and actions, and some will not, in ever-changing proportions.

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