Episode 115: “Ask an Anti-Zionist” with Andy the Anti-Zionist

The Dorx discuss recent events with Nina’s ex-boyfriend, Andy the Anti-Zionist. A first-generation American son of a Palestinian Catholic father, Andy was mistreated on a visit to Israel at age 12 and has avowedly opposed the state ever since. We discuss the importance of history, the rise of anti-semitism, media biases, blame, “terrorists,” who is “the little guy,” what is a woman I mean Zionist, ethnic cleansing, whether Israel’s “intelligence failure” was calculated, “both sides,” utopianism, Queers for Palestine, and our dubious future. Despite our differences, this anti-Zionist, non-Zionist, and Zionist all agree: we’re fucked. Next year in Jerusalem!


Medinat Weimar (for a Jewish state in Germany): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVGeR4r5hbk&ab_channel=amhaaretz

Samantha Woll, Detroit rabbi stabbed: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2023/10/21/samantha-woll-dead-isaac-agree-downtown-detroit-synagogue-president/71271616007/

Illinois lawyer’s antisemitic rant: https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1715216523915071978

Anna Baltzer: http://www.annainthemiddleeast.com/

Illinois Muslim boy stabbed: https://apnews.com/article/muslim-boy-killed-chicago-landlord-will-county-5135dea218326d6e639a996564d9369e

AIPAC: https://www.aipac.org/

Seder-Masochism (Nina’s animated feature film about Jewish identity): https://sedermasochism.com/download/

Episode 114: The Wrong Sort of Everything with Bev Jackson

Longtime activist and author Bev Jackson is a founding member of the UK Gay Liberation Front and, more recently, co-founder of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance (LGBA), one the the only organizations standing for homosexual (as opposed to “queer”) rights and the only UK charity supporting truly lesbian events. We discuss the corruption of Wikipedia, the astronomical increase of transing girls, the “born that way” narrative, zealous American politicians, outsourcing opinions, patience for the poorly-informed, boundaries vs inclusivity, pedophilia, Bad Law, medical scandals, and Tunnock’s Teacakes. Plus, Corrrrrri changes his name, and Nina writes a scathing Letter to the Editor. Who’s the queerest of them all? Listen and find out!


Bev on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BevJacksonAuth

Bev’s email: bev.jackson@lgballiance.org.uk

LGBA website: https://lgballiance.org.uk

Tribunal Transcript (Mermaids vs Charity Commission & LGBA): https://lgballiance.org.uk/tribunal-transcript/

LGBA conference: https://lgballiance.org.uk/tribunal-transcript/

John Boyne apologizes to Graham Linehan: https://twitter.com/JohnBoyneBooks/status/1698830513077694477

Episode 113: The Darkest Humor

Nina and Corinna — who between them comprise one-and-a-half Jews — discuss recent events in the Middle East, after a brief detour about IP Law and its discontents. We confuse Robert Redford with Paul Newman, compare synagogues and mosques with Starbuck’s and Dunkin’ Donuts, and learn the difference between philo-semites and hebephiles. Then we get dark. Do people hate Jews more than we thought?  Does Israel commit atrocities, or military actions? Are young people nihilists? Forgive us, for despite the smoothest segues in podcasting, we know not what we do.


This Land Is Mine (short animation): https://youtu.be/8tIdCsMufIY?si=ttwMH8SPCxpM0OI2

The Exodus Song: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theme_of_Exodus

Exodus (movie): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exodus_(1960_film)

Seder-Masochism (movie): https://sedermasochism.com/download/

Nina’s Twitter thread about Jews vs Zionists: https://twitter.com/ninapaley/status/1711371708190330934

Episode 112: The Art of Dissident Feminists with J Berns

A Nasty Piece of Work: The Art of Dissident Feminists is the world’s first and only “TERF” Art show, featuring 14 female artists, all of whom have been canceled due to gender ideology. Its curator and organizer is J. Berns, an activist, mother, art lover, and upstanding badass. She talks about how her gallery was vandalized the day after the show’s successful opening; the difficulties of living in the Bay Area if you hold gender critical views; TERF money; ways women are not allowed their own language; how terrorists increasingly dictate speech; and hot pink blood. Wait until the end for her descriptions of the amazing works in the show, which runs until October 15 in San Francisco, and then could come to a city near you if you help make it happen!

Episode 111: Taking The Weird Path with Saya Hillman

Back when this podcast had only 4 listeners, Debbie Hillman of foodfarmsdemocracy.net was one of them. Debbie passed away in March, after which Corinna discovered a 2014 tribute video by her daughter. An interesting character in her own right, Saya Hillman joins the Dorx to talk about her mom, our moms, moms in general, dads, families, estrangement, growing up weird, adulting, fun, entrepreneurship, cleaning, pocket knives, making friends as an adult, silver linings, excess backups, old age, death, and living a fearless life. Learn about a fascinating daughter, a fascinating mother, and, most importantly, that dishwashers have filters that need to be cleaned.


Saya Hillman reads “If Only My Name Was Alexis”: https://youtu.be/oxijkP9tpAU?si=zHOFkad9yeVABcxS

Mac and Cheese Productions: https://macncheeseproductions.com/

Debbie Hillman’s memorial page: https://macncheeseproductions.com/debbie-hillman/

Debbie Hillman’s twitter account: https://twitter.com/DLHillman

Seder-Masochism (featuring Nina’s Dad): https://sedermasochism.com/download/

Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs Material Reality, our 2019 panel talk Debbie attended (we think): https://youtu.be/RguD61siLB8?si=4LpIn_zENirTxb49

Episode 110: Listener Questions!

Corinna and Nina answer your important questions, such as: what is a feminist? Should we be cheerful instead of angry? Who cuts our hair? Boxers or briefs? Is “cis” a slur? We also discuss the TERF-Tranny spectrum; our origins in a state fair livestock exhibit; the social benefits of taboos; Republicans’ ability to eff up a sure thing; how social contagions are a force of nature; The Law of Conservation of Evil; iatrogenic infantilization; masculinized women; how 2nd-Wave Feminism is like broccoli; and Corinna’s plans to start microdosing testosterone. It’s truly a broad-ranging conversation, as we cover more territory than a costumed llama!


Anger is like Rocket Fuel: https://mimiandeunice.com/2010/07/29/rocket-fuel/

Maybe One by Bill McKibben: https://billmckibben.com/maybe-one.html

Twitter poll: Makeup or Hijab?: https://twitter.com/ninapaley/status/1691882332871885285

Beauty and Misogyny by Sheila Jeffreys: https://www.feministes-radicales.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Jeffreys_Beauty_and_Misogyny_Harmful_Cultural_Practices_in_the_West__Women_and_Psychology_1.pdf

Episode 109: Left Wing Heresy with Lisa Selin Davis

Prolific writer, researcher, thinker, and close personal friend of the Dorx Lisa Selin Davis is an old-school Leftist who developed an “exciting new interest in reality,” subsequently putting her on the wrong side of many a Brooklyn dinner party. We ask: What does it mean to be on the Left? What is Feminism? Do Gender Critics engage in “hugboxing”? How does one remain curious and empathetic while talking to ignorant a-holes? Do Conservative women give fewer effs? Is Corinna wearing “woman-pit”? What is Lisa’s next book about? It’s a party in the rabbit hole as 3 disagreeable friends agree on just about everything.



Skokie (film): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skokie_(film)

BROADview: https://lisaselindavis.substack.com/

Lisa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LisaSelinDavis

GENDER WARS Playing Cards: https://store.ninapaley.com/product/gender-wars-playing-cards/

Episode 108: Heather Brunskell-Evans is (a) TERF*

The delightful and accomplished Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans joins the Dorx on short notice, first to talk about her work with Women’s Declaration International and Transgender Trend, then about her exhaustion with all manner of ideological nonsense, be it from trans rights activists or her “sisters” on the left. Purity spirals, tribal instincts, toxic agreeableness, Munchausen’s mums, disappointments, growing up female, Satan, misogyny, losing faith, and more keep her dancing between fed-up boredom and fierce determination. She may be Tired, but she will keep Explaining Reality until the F***wits listen up!

*TERF: Tired of Explaining Reality to F***wits


Dr. Heather Brunskell-Evans: https://www.transgendertrend.com/dr-heather-brunskell-evans/

Women’s Declaration International: https://www.womensdeclaration.com/en/about/

Transgender Trend: https://www.transgendertrend.com/

Keira Bell case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_v_Tavistock

Pride flags on UK hospitals: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/05/giant-pride-flag-painted-on-hospital-criticised/

Apocalypse Animated: https://apocalypseanimated.com/

Episode 107: How the Internet Lost its Backbone, with Joshua Moon

In 1993 John Gilmore famously said, “The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” To learn why that’s no longer true, listen to Josh Moon enumerate “the amount of things that have broken that people in the industry assumed could never break,” as activists with personal vendettas and political agendas relentlessly employ every possible strategy to silence his small but notorious gossip site Kiwi Farms. From Cloudflare to Hurricane Electric, ISPs, data centers, and payment processors, literally anything up and down the Border Gateway Protocol has been targeted to shut down the ‘Farms. With ISIS, the KKK, Stormfront, neo-nazis, and child porn all continuing to enjoy online services, who expected “the gossip site that makes fun of troons” to be the straw to break the Internet’s backbone? And why have the individuals and organizations who once stood against censorship lost their own?


Brave browser: https://brave.com/

Tor browser: https://www.torproject.org/download/

Keffals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffals

The World Should Not Need Kiwi Farms by Corinna Cohn: https://corinnacohn.substack.com/p/the-world-should-not-need-kiwi-farms

Liz Fong Jones calls Corinna a “Kiwi Farms operative”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np9erdnM4l8&t=3074s&ab_channel=LizFong-Jones

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol

Electronic Frontier Foundation: https://www.eff.org/

Internet Archive: https://archive.org/

Copyright’s origins in censorship: https://questioncopyright.org/promise

FIRE: https://www.thefire.org/


Episode 106: Corinna and Nina talk ICONS

The Dorx do a quick review of the 2023 ICONS International Women’s Sports Summit in Denver, among whose speakers were many former Heterodorx guests like Carole HoovenColin WrightHelen JoyceKara Dansky, and Kim Jones; plus Suzanne VierlingDina McMillanRiley GainesJennifer Sey, and countless other badass women, including tall otherworldly young athletes, elder Olympic champions, lawyers, writers, policy-makers, conservatives, liberals, and spectral beings. There were even some men, like Jon Pike⁠⁠Ross Tucker⁠, Corinna, and at least one cute security guy. The theme was WINNING, and we’re going to, just like Nina wins an argument with Corinna about whether the elite professional-managerial class constitutes an “orthodoxy.” It is what’s best in life!


ICONS website (currently featuring videos from the 3-day Summit): https://www.iconswomen.com/

GENDER WARS Playing Cards: https://store.ninapaley.com/product/gender-wars-playing-cards/

N.W.H.: F*ck the Security Guards: https://youtu.be/6LjW6j56ZgI

Elaine Miller at the Edinburgh Fringe: https://twitter.com/GussieGrips/status/1684893485902565378

Donate via Nina’s blog (upper right hand corner): https://blog.ninapaley.com/