Which would hasten the Apocalypse faster: population decline, or population increase? Economists urge growth, but Les U Knight, discoverer of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, argues the peaceful, gradual elimination of humanity would be better for everyone – especially humanity itself. We discuss contraception, Insectageddon, donuts, the Demographic Transition Theory, ritual human sacrifice, and what would happen if we got rid of Netflix. May we Live Long and Die Out!
VHEMT web site: vhemt.org
Nina on the Jerry Springer show with the Church of Euthenasia in 1997: https://vimeo.com/235654079
Virginia Abernethy – Population Politics (which includes a debunking of the Demographic Transition Theory): https://books.google.com/books/about/Population_Politics.html?id=oJ4jngEACAAJ