Episode 33: Woke Antisemitism with Andrew Pessin

The Dorx welcome lively philosophy professor and author Andrew Pessin, whose recent satirical novel about campus culture, Nevergreen, humorously conveys the horror of getting cancelled. This inevitably leads to discussion of the Anti-Defamation League’s “Pryramid of Hate,” which, by the end of the episode, Nina deftly synthesizes with the USDA’s Food Pyramid. Corinna asserts, “universities are in the business of transferring wealth from students to administrators,” and repeatedly declares he is NOT JEWISH, unlike Andrew (a Zionist) and Nina (not a Zionist), who blithely argue about Zionism the way only a couple American Jews can.



Andrew Pessin’s website: https://andrewpessin.com/
This Land Is Mine: https://vimeo.com/50531435
(From Nina’s feature film Seder-Masochism: https://vimeo.com/263398514 )
Nina relates Zionism to Transactivism: https://blog.ninapaley.com/2018/02/07/gender_colonialism/